
Danny Emerman, the author, editor, and creator of this blog is a high school student who lives in Massachusetts and loves sports. His hobbies are listening to music, writing, hanging out with friends, and playing sports. Someday, Danny hopes to be a sports writer for a big-time company like ESPN, Grantland, or USA Today. Danny started this blog in March of 2013. He was in 8th grade at the time, and he created the site because he was looking for a fun outlet to develop and improve his writing skills. Hopefully this blog will help with his future ambitions.

Ankit Mehra – My name is Ankit Mehra, and I was born in Mumbai, I have lived in London, and I am currently living in New York. I have written for Buckets Over Broadway, Empire Writes Back, and now New York Sports Hub, I support Michigan, Syracuse, Georgetown, Pittsburgh, UCLA, New York Yankees, New York Giants, New York Knicks, New York Rangers, Chelsea, AC Milan, and India cricket. Follow me on Twitter (@amehra11)

Jack Jameson- My name is Jack Jameson. I was born In Minnesota and become a Celtic fan when KG started playing for them. I moved to California when I was in elementary school. I now currently live in London, England. My favorite Celtic of all time is Bill Russell.

Dontae Mifsud - My name is Dontae Mifsud. I was born and raised in Dix Hills, New York.

Marquist Parker- My name is Marquist Parker, I'm 16. I'm a junior in high school, and I live in Connecticut. I've been a Boston sports fan since I was 9. I like all the Boston teams except the Patriots. I'm looking forward to writing about the Celtics, this is also my job on the school paper.

Braedon Spencer - I'm a die hard Celtics fan and since I'm the only one to be a Celtics fan in the family yet alone a Basketball fan. I will bring the green tradition into it [my family] for years and decades to come. I've written for various big websites such as and and operated a few of my own. I'm from Australia and I wake up extra early (because of the time difference) to watch every single Celtics game of the year and will never miss a game. My favorite players are Rajon Rondo, Jeff Green and Avery Bradley. My main writing abilities to analyze our games and make strong bold predictions for the future and you will see a lot of that to come. Lets Go Celtics!

Jaime Vega- My name is Jaime Vega, and I was born and currently live in Napa, California. My favorite teams are the Boston Celtics, New York Jets, Boston Bruins, and Tampa Bay Rays. 

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